Teaching Experience
Instructor. Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics
ECON 6913 Urban Economics (Ph.D. Level; Spring 2025, Spring 2021, Fall 2019)
ECON6323 Mathematical Economics I (Ph.D. Level; Fall 2024, Fall 2022)
ECON5213 Introduction to Econometrics (Graduate Level; Fall 2023)
ECON 2203 Introduction to Macroeconomics (Undergraduate Level; Fall 2019-Spring 2025)
Teaching Assistant. MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning
11.S940/11.S197 Economic Analysis of Urban Development and Environmental Sustainability (Graduate Level; Spring 2019)
11.403/11.S969 Urban China Research Seminar (Graduate Level; Fall 2018)
Instructor. Clark University, School of Professional Studies
MATH 1470 Statistics (Spring 2017)
Teaching Assistant. Clark University, Department of Economics
ECON 160 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (for Prof. John Brown; Undergraduate Level; Fall 2015-Spring 2017)
ECON 265 Econometrics (for Dr. Roxane Anderton; Undergraduate Level; Fall 2012-Spring 2015)
Honors Thesis and Lab (for Prof. Wayne Gray; Undergraduate Level; Fall 2012-Spring 2015)